How Are Fertility Drugs Used During IVF?

Medication plays a key role in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment process. Understanding how fertility drugs work and the role of a fertility pharmacy will help simplify this complex process and the important steps in IVF treatment. How Fertility Drugs Work Fertility drugs cause the release of hormones that can trigger or regulate ovulation.…

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The Basics of IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most common and successful ways to conceive when faced with fertility challenges. At Mandell’s Clinical Pharmacy, we break down the basics to help you understand what IVF is and how it works. Hopefully this information helps you feel more comfortable on your fertility journey! What is IVF?…

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What is the Average Cost of IVF?

Each year, more than 85,000 U.S. women undergo in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to start or expand their families. This intricate process takes guidance from a trusted reproductive endocrinologist, specialty medications, several procedures and more—plus a hefty checkbook. How much does IVF cost? The average cost of IVF is $12,000 for one cycle. And that doesn’t include…

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